Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mama's House

Illustration for a short story, "Mama."

Back Home

Leo returns home at the end of a playful day. From "Leo's Big Adventure."

Into Town

A page from the soon to be published children's book "Leo's Big Adventure."

Inside the Temple

Inside Huitzilopochtli's Temple.

Huitzilopochtli's Temple

Huitzilopochtli's Temple on Snake Mountain from an Aztec myth.

Little House

This is an illustration of the main character's little house at the edge of the village.

Away in the Night

Part of a children's book in progress. The little girl sets out in search of her sister.

Lagoon House Final

Lagoon House

This is an interior study for a children's book that is currently in progress.

Seaside House

The Seaside House in various stages.